Selasa, 27 November 2007

Senin, 26 November 2007


Oi ,Oi semuanya namaku Rengga Indra Bayu biasa dipanggil dengan sebutan rengga. Saya tinggal di Jalan Sambiarum Blok 51E/14. Saya dilahirhan di rumah sakit lhooooo tepatnya di Surabaya tanggal 18 juli 1992. makanan favorit saya adalah semua makanan yang bisa dimakan dan minuman favorit saya adalah semua minuman yang bisa diminum. Saya mempunyai hobi bermain sepak bola. Sebutan ketika saya bermain bola adalah VAMPIR. Teman teman saya memanggil sebutan itu karena gigi saya yang mirip dengan vampir alias gingsul. Kalau anda ingin masuk bahagia sering-seringlah berkunjung ke bloggerku jangan sungkan-sungkan ga' gigit

Blog pertamaku dan pengisian posting pertamaku

Hai teman-taman loe tau ga sich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahwa untuk membuat blogku ini harus bolak balik ke warnet coz aku bingung bagaimana cara membuatnya. Setelah bolak balik ke waRnet akhirnya pada tanggal 29 agustus saya berhasil membuat sebuah blog dengan nama Setelah membuat blog saya langsung mengisi posting pertama saya dengan membuat biodata saya. Saya sangat senang karena saya telah mempunyai blog sendiri. KALAU datang Ke WaRnEt Jangan lupa UNTuk berkunjung ke lupa YAAAA,, iNgak inGak jangan lupa.........................Awas kalau lupa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TIM sepak Bola faVoritku

Saya mempunyai tim sepak bola favorit yaitu persebaya. Saya suka persebaya karena gaya permainannya keras dan cepat apalagi yang membuat saya suka terhadap persebaya BONEKNYA yang mempunyai prinsip BOndo Nekat persebaya juga mempunyai sebutan Bajul Ijo dan juga menpunyai musuh bebuyutan yaitu AREMA,PERSELA, dan PERSIJA. Pemain yang saya sukai di Persebaya adalah Rymond. Pemain ini memiliki postur tubuh yang besar sehingga semua pemain depan lawan tidak dapat menembus benteng pertahanan persebaya.


1. COPYRIGHTS SOFTWARE OF Copyrights ( according to copyrights law of no.19 year 2002 section 2) is exclusive rights for creator or owner of copyrights to announce or multiply the creations of arising out automatically after a creation borne without lessening demarcation according to arrangement of legislation applying ETHICS AND. Software are a group of written comand pursuant to Ianguage of program understood by computer so that the software can instruct selected comand to be done by computer. Software and inseparable computer because computer will work if there is software written by a pemrogram ( programmer). Creating software not isn't it easy work because a lot of intellectual ability and orders which required from a systems analysis (analyst system) and programmer. Along of that, gone into effect by Law Copyrights him, result of activity a system analyst and of pemrogram can protect.

2. LAW COPYRIGHTS Law protecting someone copyrights is Law of no.19 year 2002 which consist of 15 chapter and 78 section. Following is citation of Law Copyrights.

Section 2

( 1) Copyrights is exclusive rights for Creator or Right Owner Create to announce or multiply him creations, arising out automatically after a creation borne without lessening demarcation according to arrangement of legislation applying.

Section 49

( 1) Perpetrator have exclusive rights to give permit or prohibit other party which without the permission of making, multiplying, or broadcasting records voice and or picture show of him.

( 2) Produser voice record have exclusive rights to give permit or prohibit other party which without the permission of multiplying and or rent record masterpieces voice or sound record. Section 72

(1 ) whose Goods designedly and without rights conduct deed as referred to in section 2 sentence ( 1) or section 49 sentence ( 1) and ( 2) in crime with crime serve a sentence each briefest 1 ( satu) month of and or at least fine of Rp 1.000.000,00 ( one million rupiah), or crime serve a sentence at longest 7 year and or fine at most Rp,00 ( five billion rupiah). ( whose 2) Goods designedly, isn't it, demonstrating, circularizing, or selling to the public a[n goods or creation result of collision of Copyrights or Related/Relevant Rights as referred to at sentence ( 1) punished with crime serve a sentence old crossbar 5 ( year lima) and or fine at most Rp 500.000.000,00 ( five hundreds million rupiah).

Whose goods designedly and without rights multiply usages for the sake of commercial a Computer Program punished with crime serve a sentence at longest 5 ( year lima) and or fine at most Rp 500.000.000,00 ( five hundreds million rupiah) Following is order of pengutipan duplicity and which do not impinge law " Creation other party Pengutipan until as much as possible 10% ( ten gratuity/ %) of circular unity every cited creation upon which for the menguraiakan of told problem " Making of reserve copy a Computer Program or Computer Program by owner of Program of Computer or conducted Computer Program solely to be used by xself ( Law of No.7 year 1987).

3. ESTEEMING KREASI OTHERS. Kreasi is result of him others masterpiece karya.hasil have to the of you assigned to make computer progam ( software) but there is you friend which the was him of and collect your duty at teacher. How feeling of you? sure of you very kecewa.maka from that someone should be able to esteem result of others masterpiece. Under this is some ways esteem result of others masterpiece related to soft prengkat ( software).

A. Avoid coffee illegally ( Ilegal Copy of) Term copy of in information technology context are record a[n or document of progam from one medium to other medium, example of disk hard to CD. AYAT arranging to the effect that this can be seen in prawn invitor of no.19 year 2002 Chapter of II concerning copyrights Section 15 and a of d sounding Section 15 On the promise that the source of him have to be mentioned or mentioned, do not be considered to be by collision of creature rights a. Usage of other party creation for the sake of pendidikan,penelitian,penulisan of masterpiece of ilmiah,penyusunan laporan,penulisan criticize or evaluate a problem harmlessly fair importance of creator of d Isn'T it a science area creation of penetahuan,seni, art in letter of raille utilize poor need of netra, kecuali if isn't it that have the character of commercially.

Copying software unauthorizedly mean memperbayak result of others kreasi of tnpa his people seoengetahuan. Example of : PIRACY OF software of operasi sitem ( system operating).

4. Avoid distorting of others program Sometimes for the mencaopai of work of in making a[n peripheral of pemrogram lunak,seorang ( programmer) alter or modify people program of lain.pemrogram the alter written in comand or codes is Ianguage pemrogram.perubahan of dilakukam yamg usually is change arrange appearance interface or situation of software.

Senin, 19 November 2007